Bone Spur hampers military service, but not business
Hot Topics TalkLifestyle / Hot Topics Talk 3 months ago 36 Views 0 comments
Dear Editor:Trump continues critiques of Walz’s military record with letter by 50 GOP lawmakers. So let us compare the length of service Tim Walz served and for all intense purposes honorably rising through the ranks in the military and serving for some 24 years. If I recall correctly in the military it is 20 and Out with full benefits. Most would call that a career in itself. That in itself says a lot about the character of the man how would devote that much time, energy and effort into serving the United States of America, but now let’s see, 24×365=8760 days. Now we come to Donald J. Trump. Lets see 0x0 still equals Zero, zilch, nada, geen, asnje, minini, la ahad, voch meky, eku nai, janiwkhitisa, etc., but no matter how you say it or in what language it is spoken it is still equals = NONE, not one Day, Not one Hour, not One Minute, NOT even ONE Second did he spent serving his country in The Military and I do not see that bone spur has in any way limited any of his abilities to profit off the backs of Working Class people.Skip SpeerCincinnatiEditor’s Note: The views expressed...