Break dancing is the newest Olympic sport

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(NewsNation) —  It’s been a long journey from laying a piece of cardboard on the sidewalk and performing for passersby to intense training, big sponsorship money and now a shot at a gold medal. That’s now the story of break dancing. Breaking, as it’s also known, is officially an Olympic sport, starting this summer in Paris. “You need the athleticism of a professional athlete, but you also need to be an artist, and you need to dance,” is how longtime breaker David “Kid David” Schreibman described it to Rolling Stone. USA Basketball announces its men’s team for the Paris Olympics As the official Olympics site tells it, “Breaking is an urban dance style that originated in the United States in the 1970s. With roots in hip-hop culture, breaking first took form in the lively block parties in the Bronx borough of New York, and is characterized by acrobatic movements, stylized footwork, and the key role played by the DJ and the MC (master of ceremonies) during battles.” Breaking got its audition at the 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires. NBC Olympics said the event attracted more than one million viewers. There will be two competitions: one for men,...