May 2, 2024

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

News / Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs 67 Views 0 comments

_____________________________ Employment ____________________________ SALES COORDINATOR BJCC, is recruiting for a Sales Coordinator, for information & to apply visit or send resume to /fax resume 205-458-8530. BT05/02/2024 _____________________________ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY BJCC, is recruiting for a Director of Public Safety, for information & to apply visit or send resume to /fax resume 205-458-8530. BT05/02/2024 _____________________________ ASSISTANT THEATRICAL STAGE PRODUCTION MANAGER BJCC, is recruiting for an Assistant Theatrical Stage Production Manager, for information & to apply visit or send resume to /fax resume 205-458-8530. BT05/02/2024 _____________________________ WEBFOCUS CONTENT ADMINISTRATOR Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama seeks a WebFOCUS Content Administrator, Business Intelligence in Birmingham, AL resp for assist w/ inst, conf, & supp of WebFOCUS prod in lrg scale env. Min req of Bach deg or frgn deg equiv in CS, IS, IT or clsly rltd fld + 5 yrs exp in bus intel or rltd occup. Telecommuting is an option. To apply, email resume w/ job title in subject to BT05/02/2024 _____________________________ _____________________________ LEGAL _____________________________ CASE NO. CV-2023-904269 THE BIRMINGHAM LAND BANK AUTHORITY, a Public Corporation, NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING BY PUBLICATION TO: SOLUTIONS SYSTEMS, LLC; FIRST FINANCIAL BANK, J.T. SMALLWOOD JEFFERSON...