Can BVHP finally win the housing and jobs promised over 15 years ago?

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Housing developer Lennar has failed to deliver on its promises of housing and jobs. The demolition of Candlestick Park to clear the way, which is shown here, occurred in 2015. Please call in to today’s OCII Commission meeting to advocate for equitable development for the Bayview, Candlestick and Hunters Point Communities Tuesday, July 2, at 1 p.m. Call 415-749-2408. Editorial by Kevin Epps The housing developer Lennar and its spin-off company Five Points (the Developer) have made multiple promises to the residents of San Francisco’s long-ignored southeastern neighborhoods – promises to build the much-needed housing and parks and provide living wage jobs with access to union representation for the community. Despite posting billion-dollar profits through an ongoing housing crisis, the Developer has missed three real estate cycles to build the much-needed housing at Candlestick after the stadium was demolished nearly 10 years ago, missing deadlines to build the promised roads, parks and over 7,000 housing units at Candlestick Point.& The Developer is now asking for over $3 billion in public funding – triple the amount it requested at the outset – and an extension to complete the project in another 30 years maybe. It also seeks permission to delay things...