Can You Juice Your Way to Your Dream Body?
Parenting/ Healthby Toter 1 month ago 35 Views 0 comments
Nobody can understand why you would do it unless they’d walked a mile in your shoes. Maybe you’ve always struggled with being overweight. You have spent years in your “traditionally built”, thick body with curves and a little something extra in all the right places. You’ve had more gym memberships than pounds lost, and you’ve tried your fair share of diets. The cycle is an all too familiar one.
On Monday you start with all the hope and promise of self-improvement, but by Friday you don’t just need to have a “cheat day”, but a weekend off to satisfy all the week’s stifled cravings after days of deprivation and self-denial. It is at this emotionally low time that you find yourself awake watching late-night infomercials and they come to one that is selling juicers. You may be familiar with the product, but tonight you are also intrigued as the TV glows and the spokesperson begins their sales pitch, a siren song, complete with the requisite number of testimonials and before and after photos. Some of the success stories shared feature individuals who are bigger than you, and some like you, wanting to have the chance at happiness that you are...