Category : Lifestyle

7 months ago

NDG Book Review: ‘The Jazzmen’ is a musician’s must-read

By Terri Schlichenmeyer Your toes didn’t wait long before they started tapping. They knew what was coming, almost as soon as the band was seated. They knew before the first notes were played and the hep cats and jazz babies hit the floor to cut a rug...

7 months ago

Film Review: ‘The Fall Guy’

By Dwight Brown NNPA Film Critic (**) Telling someone “You have nothing between your ears,” isn’t a compliment. Telling a filmmaker and screenwriter “You have nothing between the action scenes,” also isn’t a compliment. Read on… The trailers for The...

7 months ago

Experts weigh-in on mounting concerns of impending U.S. civil war

By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Senior National Correspondent In the wake of a recent survey revealing startling apprehensions among American voters regarding the possibility of a second civil war, experts in history and political science offer sobering insig...

7 months ago

Celebrate culture and diversity in Irving at Fusion on May 18

The City of Irving presents, Fusion, an event celebrating the beautiful tapestry of cultures, traditions and cuisine that make Irving one of the most culturally diverse cities in the nation. Fusion is Saturday, May 18 from noon to 4 p.m. at Heritage...

7 months ago

Is the new FTC ban good for Black businesses?

By Taalib Saber the AFRO Historically, non-competes have been used to restrict employees from working in the same industry after leaving their former employer. Though the intention is to protect the intellectual property of businesses, non-competes h...