‘Checking the Box’ helped uncover 4,500 more Black-owned Delaware businesses

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In September 2022, after advocacy efforts by the Delaware Black Chamber of Commerce (DEBCC), the State of Delaware began offering businesses the option of reporting demographic information. Soon after, Technical.ly published a five-part series called “Checking the Box,” underwritten by the DEBCC, aimed at spreading awareness about the newly implemented feature via OneStop.delaware.gov — and why advocates believed it could make a difference in equity in the First State. Today, we have the first data report showing the numbers since the checkboxes, which allowed business owners to share information about their race/ethnicity, gender, disability and veteran status. So far, the results are pretty staggering. Through the most recent census, the DEBCC was able to identify 583 Black-owned businesses in Delaware. By leveraging the resources available at OneStop.gov, DEBCC identified over 5000 Black-owned businesses. Through the most recent census, the DEBCC counted 583 Black-owned businesses in Delaware. But by leveraging the resources made possible through the demographics boxes on OneStop.gov — resources that wouldn’t have been possible without the DEBCC’s advocacy — the organization ultimately identified over 5000 Black-owned businesses. “This invaluable data translates into increased support and resources for these businesses, enabling them to thrive and contribute more meaningfully to...