On Friday, the City of Chicago announced a groundbreaking summer safety plan, underscored by a $100 million investment from the FY24 budget.&
This comprehensive strategy focuses on anti-violence programming, strategic CPD deployments and strengthened investigations, restorative justice, re-entry services, and domestic and gender-based violence prevention and intervention – all aimed at enhancing community safety and well-being.&
“Today marks a significant step forward in our commitment to community safety and well-being,” said Mayor Brandon Johnson. “Our historic investments and innovative approaches demonstrate our dedication to creating a safer, more equitable Chicago for all residents.”
A core part of our comprehensive safety plan is The People’s Plan for Community Safety that was launched last year. A two-pronged strategy will be implemented in priority neighborhoods to address the historic disinvestment by layering investments focused on nourishing the foundations of community.&
People-Based: The plan focuses efforts on Chicagoans who are most impacted by historic disinvestment and violence. This includes outreach and intervention with youth and adults of highest promise – members of our community who have been impacted by the repeated cycle of harm due to purposeful disinvestment– as well as support for victims and survivors of violence.
Place-Based: To ensure a safer Chicago...