City of Dallas Provides Update on Proposition S and Its Implications

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Dallas, TX- The City of Dallas wishes to inform residents about the recent developments regarding Proposition S, which was approved by voters at the November 5, 2024, election. On June 18, 2024, the City Secretary’s Office received a petition for a Dallas City Charter amendment form Dallas HERO. Because the petition was supported by signatures of a sufficient number of qualified voters, the city council was required by law to submit the measure to the voters. On November 5, 2024, Dallas voters approved Proposition S, a charter amendment allowing residents to bring lawsuits against the city to enforce compliance with the city charter, city ordinances, and state law and waiving the city’s governmental immunity for such suits. The City of Dallas respects the will of its voters and acknowledges the community’s desire for increased transparency and accountability. However, the city also recognizes that the adoption of Proposition S may result in unintended consequences, including a significant increase in lawsuits. The city will vigorously defend all lawsuits. However, responding to and defending these claims will require substantial legal and financial resources. Interim City Manager Kimberly Bizor Tolbert stated, “We understand the intent behind Proposition S. However, we want to ensure that...