Gangs have overtaken land in the capital of Port-au-Prince, staging kidnappings for ransom, public burnings and brutal armed rapings of innocent civilians to dominate their territory, a tactic influenced by so-called peacekeepers sent by the UN under the Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) following the devastating earthquake in 2010. Workers were well-known for sexually abusing locals and also infecting them with cholera instead of perpetuating stability.Natural disasters like the Category 4 hurricane of 2016 and the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in 2021, along with cyclones and flooding up until last year, have only exacerbated the country’s problems. Government systems in the United Kingdom, United States and France claim to care and share such sentiments by donating millions in monetary aid for relief while demonizing those who flee to their sovereign nations.Despite Haiti’s main airport closing, the United States resumed deportation flights to Haiti just two weeks ago, separating families and sending individuals to what many have called a “death sentence.” Some asylum seekers reported living in America for over 20 years before being discovered and are returning to a city where they know no one.Access to cellular service, food and a basic income are scarce.The United Nations reportedly estimates over 360,000...