COMMENTARY: What We Should Think and Do in This Era
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 2 months ago 40 Views 0 comments
Now that the election is over, a number of people are experiencing high levels of uncertainty. We should not think that life as we know it has ended. This is a defeatist attitude. What we should remember, especially as Black people, is that if we survived slavery and past Republican presidents, we can survive four years of Donald Trump. We must reset our thinking as to what is important and what we must do as a collective people going forward.
Our first order of business during this time must be a return to prayer rather than party politics. We must remember that it was collective prayer by those who came before us that brought us this far. We must learn to act collectively “in spite of” and not “because of” the obstacles in front of us. While this is easier said than done, we must start at our level of interaction with those around us, many of whom we may not like.
Next, we must adopt an attitude of “no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, just permanent interest.” This means that we must re-educate ourselves on how the government works. We have two years to prepare to take back the...