Could Hypnosis Be The Cure?

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 37 Views 0 comments

Have you ever sat and thought about the number of different types of therapies there are for the different types of medical conditions? Probably not, but stop and think for a second. Ask yourself this: if technology is advancing at lightning speed, doesn’t that have something to do with science? So that means there are always new findings within science correct? So if there are new findings in science that advance technology and the way it is used in the world, couldn’t this happen with medicine? Seeing as it’s 2022, the world has had to have found something that cures common diseases and illnesses right? Well, in fact, they actually have. There are so many different types of technologies that have been created to help prevent, cure and treat new illnesses and diseases but what are they and do they really work? What Is Hypnosis? Now the word and act of hypnosis can be pretty controversial. For some people, hypnosis can have a negative connotation to it due to the theories and beliefs that stem from spirituality. For others, the act of hypnosis can be the best thing that’s ever happened to them and they rave about it. But what...