Couple Busted Having Relations On Top Of A Huge Elephant Sculpture Ahead Of Art Basel In Miami Beach
Sports & Entertainment Storiesby Toter 1 month ago 37 Views 0 comments
There is some scandalous news coming out of Miami Beach ahead of Art Basel. And it’s about what happened on Monday night! According to a reliable source, a security guard patrolling the area heard some peculiar noises and decided to check it out.
This brave security guard made his way towards the source of the noise. And guess what he stumbled upon? A couple, yes, a couple, getting it on right on top of one of those massive elephant sculptures! Who even knew you could do that?
Now, I know what you’re thinking – how on earth did they manage to climb up there? We’re scratching our heads too because let’s be honest, it’s not like sculptures have stairs built into them. The logistics of this whole situation remain a mystery.
A source tells us the amorous pair were caught fornicating atop an enormous pachyderm set up on South Beach as part of the installation the Great Elephant Migration — a herd of life-sized Indian elephant sculptures.
The herd is made up of families of elephants, including babies, adolescents, and full size adults. We assume the couple scaled the animal by climbing its trunk?
The frisky pair avoided being cuffed...