Crime: Pierre Cites Need For Swift, Collective CARICOM Action
Caribbean and World Newsby Toter 1 month ago 17 Views 0 comments
Prime Minister Philip J Pierre addressed a pre-cabinet press briefing upon his return to Saint Lucia from a CARICOM Crime Summit in Guyana, highlighting the need for a joint regional response to criminal activity.
The Prime Minister outlined the issues the region presently faces with crime and violence and their impact on other sectors.
He also stressed the importance of swift and collective action by CARICOM member states as a means of curbing the level of crime in the region as a whole.
In this regard, he indicated that member states plan to implement a CARICOM-wide arrest warrant, which would allow police to arrest offenders overseas.
Highlighting the controversial issue of the granting of bail to offenders in possession of firearms, Pierre said the justice system needs to be reviewed alongside judicial officials.
“Whether the judiciary was in line with what’s happening in the society. So the discussion was on the bail requirements, because a big complaint is that sometimes bail is too lenient. That’s a discussion,” he said.
According to Pierre, crime is caused by many societal factors like family life, employment opportunities, and mental illness – all of which must be addressed by governments.
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