Democrats Can’t Hide the Big Baby President
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 5 months ago 69 Views 0 comments
The following article, Democrats Can’t Hide the Big Baby President, was first published on The Black Sphere.
While the debate highlighted Biden’s brain dysfunction, most Americans know that Biden has been demented for years. In fact, the signs have been there long before he was president.
Along with the obvious signs, Biden brain disease might explain his pathological lying. Correction: documented pathological lying.
Thankfully, Biden’s reign of terror is ending soon. So his handlers I affectionately term “the cabal” have decided to allow the media to actually report on Biden now.
Stories have been circulating about Biden needing very specific instructions when doing public appearances.
In fact, Axios reported on documents prepared for Biden ahead of events that included some extremely basic instructions. Further, the instruction include “large print and photos” and his “precise path to a podium.”
Who needs to have an instruction: “Walk to podium”? An imbecile, that’s who. Joe Biden is a big baby president.
I’ve done many events as the keynote in my career. We do what’s called “Run of Show” where we review things that I need to be aware of.
Occasionally I’m told where to stand, usually marked by an X. Or if there...