Dynamic Duo Puts Fire Back Into Community Education

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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The presidents of Southwest Tennessee Community College (SWTCC) and HBCU Lemoyne-Owen College (LOC), Dr. Tracey D. Hall and Dr. Christopher B. Davis, recently confirmed a dedicated drive to give more students a chance to earn a four-year degree. Cemented with a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony at SWTCC’s Macon Cove campus Thursday, Jan. 23, the partnership was created to help students decipher the maze some face when entering college; and perhaps more importantly, strengthen their ability to earn a four-year degree at Lemoyne if they choose, essentially creating a streamlined dual-degree process for those choosing to opt-in. The first steps to full activation began Thursday, Feb. 6, at LOC, and the program will be fully up and running at the start of SWTCC’s Fall 2025 semester (registration begins in April). Southwest students who complete an associate degree in arts, science, or a Transfer Pathway with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher are guaranteed junior-level admission at LOC. Dual enrollment students who earn an associate degree are also eligible. LOC will accept up to 60 credits, including general education, electives, and major requirements, provided the grades are “C” or higher. Students with 30 transferable credits but without an...