Empowering Young Minds: Medi-Cal’s Enhanced Mental Health Services for Bay Area Youth 

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid program, covers one in three Californians, including more than 50 percent of the state’s youth. In California, nearly 300,000 youth are coping with depression, and 66 percent of them do not get the help they need, according to Governor Newsom’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health.& Black children and children of color make up nearly 75 percent of children on Medi-Cal, yet they face significant barriers to accessing mental health services. Despite an overall decline in the suicide rate in California, youth — particularly Black, Latino, and female Californians — have seen disproportionate increases in suicide rates. According to data from 2022, about 4.3 percent of low-income teens on Medi-Cal have undergone depression screenings and received follow-up treatment. Among Indigenous youth, the screening rate is a little more than half that (2.3 percent). However, more screenings are probably occurring that are not being reported due to data capture issues.& To improve access to Medi-Cal mental health services, DHCS implemented a “No Wrong Door” approach to seeking care. In other words, any Medi-Cal member can receive timely access to covered mental health services regardless of where they first seek care, whether at a county mental health office or...