Executive Conversations with Jamie Dimon, CEO of one of the largest banks in the world

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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CEO OF THE ONE OF THE LARGEST BANKS IN THE WORLD, JAMIE DIMON, SPEAKS TO US ABOUT THE FIRM’S COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY, THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIDSIZE BUSINESSES AND MORE.& JP Morgan Chase pledged $30 billion towards supporting minority communities. In your view, has this pledge been effective? And what other opportunities exist?& It’s been hugely effective. After the murder of George Floyd, a lot of companies already did things. JP Morgan Chase has always been doing things to try to advance racial equity years before. Some worked and some didn’t work. But I would say that we started Advancing Black Pathways before that, which is both inside and outside of that advancing black leaders, entrepreneurs of color, hiring veterans, minority, Hispanic, white veterans, affordable housing. But after the murder of George Floyd, we had this $30 billion racial equity commitment, which is an enormous amount. But it’s also very specific. $12 billion of affordable housing, $8 billion of mortgages, community branches, financial education, entrepreneurs of color fund, things that we do in purchasing, diverse vendors. We spend, I think, almost $800 million with minority vendors, $2 billion with a total if you include disabled, veterans and women and all that,...