Faith’s Workstation
Latest Current Topicsby Toter 3 months ago 31 Views 0 comments
You know faith is a tricky thing. It is constantly under attack, and if you’re not careful, you will lose your faith out of simple weariness from constant grief. Life has a way of making you think that some things are just not worth the trouble. One answer to life’s tribulations, if not the answer, is to quit simply. You can quit your job. You can end a relationship. You can simply not come around anymore in those situations where coming around is reminiscent of an unpleasant experience. But in the question of faith, there seems to be a concrete solution to any and all that ails us. It’s called work. By work, I mean work in the name of the Lord. How often have you gotten yourself out of the doldrums because you helped someone else? How often have you been able to be genuinely thankful for what you have because God has shown you that it could be much worse?& Like I said, this faith thing can be tricky. When does it kick in that now is the time, now is the test, now comes temptation that challenges your faith? There are no road maps that I can...