Google’s Shocking Earnings and Control over America

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

by Toter 44 Views 0 comments

The following article, Google’s Shocking Earnings and Control over America, was first published on The Black Sphere. Google is far too powerful. And I might not care, if the organization wasn’t so loaded with anti-American Leftists. But when you consider all that Google controls, you understand how bad this company is for America. Google is allowed to profit enormously, because the company does the government’s bidding. They play the game. If it weren’t for Google’s Leftist stance, the company might have been broken up years ago. Still Google behaves so egregiously, the U.S. Justice Department is now forced to consider a break-up. Google parent Alphabet violates anti-trust laws, and more so than from a pure business perspective. Americans can’t trust Google. Worse, you can’t even sue them, though I’d love to see that change. I read this story about Google’s biased. GOOGLE NEWS BIAS REVEALED: 63% OF CONTENT FROM LEFT-LEANING SOURCES 63% of articles on Google News are reportedly sourced from left-leaning outlets, while right-leaning sources comprise a meager 6%, according to an in-depth analysis by AllSides media. CNN and The New York Times alone contribute 28% of all content, overshadowing conservative voices like Fox News, which barely accounts for...