Guest Editorial: Heavenly thoughts in toxic humanity

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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In a recent editorial, there was a discussion about the chaos that is extant in the Black community as a result of social media. Social media is the chief vehicle for the dissemination of disinformation, and the fallout is impacting just about every area of our lives. It is very difficult to separate truth from fiction in social media posts. The interesting thing about the rampant deception is that it is bringing out keyboard villains who in everyday life think they are decent people. At the current time, there are so many “beefs” reported to be in the Black community that the result can be called a “chaos beef stew!” And if the truth be told, the majority of “stories” circulating are unproven and are most likely lies. In fact, a number of photos accompanying a lot of the stories are obviously photoshopped or are the product of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Social media is not the only vehicle for the spread of disinformation and identity theft; the practice is rampant in other areas. Social media, however, has the dubious advantage of access by regular people. Individuals behind keyboards are able to let loose of toxic emotions that would not be...