Guest Editorial: Recipe for good health

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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One definition of good health is that “everything is functioning as it should.” This is a complex proposition, because there are so many factors, and so many kinds of health that need to be answered when considering the question of health. Usually when we think about good health we think about proper diets, exercise, good hygiene, and things of that nature. To be sure, these are important elements to consider, but they are far from the ultimate answer regarding the science of health. Currently, humanity is beset by a bombardment of microorganisms challenging our survival as a species. The COVID-19 virus has killed many people since it first made its presence felt several years ago. Since that time, there have been other iterations of this microscopic scourge, and millions of people have been impacted. There has been no “cure” identified to date, only treatment and vaccinations that, based on the mutating nature of this pathogen, will be required perpetually for years to come! Other health challenges include the prevalence of cancer, AIDS, RSV, shingles, arthritis, dementia (which seems to be growing exponentially), Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, diabetes and more. In addition to these, there is a seeming increase...