Guide to managing your electric costs: Smart savings for your home

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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High electric bills got you stressed? You’re not alone. Across the region, families are feeling the heat as energy supply rates surge due to shifts in the market. While utilities like Duquesne Light Company don’t control supply costs, they offer practical tools and resources to help you take charge of your energy use and cut costs. Saving money starts with small steps, and we’ve got the breakdown you need to make it happen. Track Your Energy Usage Understanding how and when you use energy is the first step to lowering your electric bill. If you have an advanced digital meter, you’re already equipped with the tools to monitor your energy use in real time. Visit the DLC website or download the free DLC Mobile app from the App Store or Google Play to track your energy consumption by day, month, or year. Here’s the best part: The tool doesn’t just show your energy use—it also tracks temperatures during those same periods, so you can pinpoint how weather impacts your usage. You’ll see which days your usage spikes, identify patterns, and discover where you can cut back. Get a breakdown of your top energy costs and compare your usage to similar...