Halloween-themed mural appears in Nottingham’s Lace Market – but who was behind it?


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Darrell Liam Wynne is graffiti artist Soapspray90. His latest artwork can be seen seconds away from the Angel Microbrewery in Nottingham. | Darrell Liam Wynne @Soapspray90 Other celebrities immortalised in paint by the talented Darrell include Oasis A graffiti artist has unveiled new artwork celebrating Halloween in Nottingham city centre.  Darrell Liam Wynne, from Derby, is the talented artist behind street name Soapspray90. His latest work of art features a vampire clutching the shoulders of a woman styled in a mid-twentieth century aesthetic.  The painting can be seen in Hockley at the jitty around the corner from the Angel Microbrewery on Stoney Street in the Lace Market area of Nottingham. Darrell is a former skate-boarder turned graffiti artist who has been creating jaw-dropping artwork since approximately 2018. Darrell is no stranger to the creative community in the East Midlands and beyond, cleverly tapping into zeitgeist to immortalise celebrities including Oasis.  Read More Speaking about motivations behind his latest creation, Darrell told DerbyWorld: “I love 1950s, the earlier women pinup art, it represents toxic love to me. “It really pops out at you as you turn into the dark jitty when it turns to night, I’ve chosen the placement purposely for...