Heart-Full Living: Self-Care Tips for Managing Heart Failure

Parenting/ Health

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Being diagnosed with heart failure — also known as congestive heart failure — can feel overwhelming. The realization that your heart isn’t pumping enough blood for your body’s needs is both scary and confusing. However, with the right knowledge and self-care strategies, managing heart failure becomes more manageable. Understanding Heart Failure Heart failure comes in two main types, each with its own set of challenges: Systolic Heart Failure: This occurs when the heart’s ability to contract and pump blood decreases. It’s identified by a reduced ejection fraction (EF), which is the amount of blood pumped out of the heart’s left ventricle with each contraction. Diastolic Heart Failure: In this type, the heart muscle becomes stiff and doesn’t relax as it should between beats, impairing its ability to fill properly with blood. Understanding which type of heart failure you have is important for managing your condition effectively. People who understand why they are taking their medications and the risks associated with their form of heart disease are more likely to participate actively in their healthcare, says Mariell Jessup, MD, chief science and medical officer of the American Heart Association who is based in Philadelphia. Recognizing the symptoms of heart failure is...