No More Hiding: Finding Your Confidence with HS

Parenting/ Health

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More commonly known as ‘acne inversa’, Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic progressive skin disorder resulting from inflamed and infected sweat glands. The condition manifests as lesions or lumps in areas of the body where chafing may occur, such as underarms, groin, and buttocks. These boils, ranging in size from a pea to a marble, may enlarge to require lancing and draining and can become quite painful if left untreated. Though prescribed treatments are available, there is currently no cure for HS. There is also no clear cause for the disease, though more recent studies have suggested that it disproportionately affects the Black community, women especially, despite this demographic being underrepresented in the studies themselves. The field of dermatology is sadly still lacking ethnic diversity as well.  Currently available treatments, including corticosteroid injections, hormone therapy, and surgery can help the sufferer manage the symptoms better. Temporary relief does not guarantee that the boils won’t return, but some treatments can improve your quality of life enough to maintain confidence and keep you connected to the community. If you have been diagnosed with HS, it’s important to remember that it’s not contagious, not a reflection of poor hygiene, and it does not...