At the outset of our lesson, many of us contend that there is a vital distinction between worship and service. We think that worship is only when we present ourselves publicly in our churches; moreover, we conclude that our presence on Sundays only serves as the basis of worship. Whereas, it is highly noble that we worship corporately (Hebrews 10:25); however, our whole life should be dedicated to the desired end that God would be glorified, regardless to wherever we are. Even in our secular affairs, we should be serving God, for true worship of God truly inspires service. Genuine service to others is a true reflection of our worship of God.
I Timothy 5:1-25 may be outlined as follows: I. Service In Relation to Human Relationships – I Timothy 5:1-2; II. Service In Relation to Widows – I Timothy 5:3-16; III. Service In Relation to Elders – I Timothy 5: 17-25.
Service In Relation to Human Relationships – I Timothy 5:1-2
In I Timothy 5:1-2, Paul, a master biblical counselor, will instruct Timothy with regard to his social relationships with others. These various groups must be dealt with wisely, for Timothy needed to have a profitable relationship with them....