Is a Cure for Alzheimer’s on the Horizon?
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 9 months ago 50 Views 0 comments
Alzheimer’s affects all of us. If you don’t know someone personally who has it, you’ve probably heard of what it does. A progressive neurological disease, Alzheimer’s can turn a sharp, healthy mind into a shadow of its former self.
Nothing quite compares to watching a loved one deteriorating, to the point where they don’t even recognize you.
Fortunately, many treatments can address the symptoms and delay the progression. And now, a new medication may even offer groundbreaking results…
Understanding Alzheimer’s
The most prevalent form of dementia, Alzheimer’s worsens over time as the brain shrinks and its cells die. With this depletion of brain cells, sufferers exhibit a decrease in memory, thinking, and the ability to socialize. Their behaviors may change significantly, often affecting their capacity to care for themselves.
In the later stages, people with Alzheimer’s may completely lose the ability to function on their own. If you notice an elder in your life becoming overly forgetful, irrational, and confused, it may be time to speak to a doctor. Mood swings, depression, and social isolation are also common in people with Alzheimer’s.
Although the causes of the disease are not fully understood, the dominant theory today considers the role...