Is anything on your Thanksgiving table actually healthy? Hint: Dark meat lovers may be onto something.

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Turkey isn’t just the star of Thanksgiving feasts throughout the country; it is also the healthiest item on the table — yes, even slathered in butter or served fried. A dietitian who spoke to People magazine said, “It’s actually really hard to make it unhealthy.” This is because turkey has long been known for being an extremely low-fat source of protein. That said, there are areas of the bird that are more healthy than others. For instance, the skin is the least healthy because most of the salt and fat end up there. Meanwhile, dark meat lovers may just have a point; not only is that part typically tastier and more moist, but it’s even richer in nutrients. As with many of the top dishes served this time of year, the healthiness of your bird comes down to how it’s prepared. While roasting a turkey remains among the healthiest ways to prepare it, frying the bird isn’t as unhealthy as it sounds. Turkey meat is so dense that even frying it barely gives it much more sodium than roasting it. The American Heart Association recommends removing the skin before consuming, regardless. The nuances of preparation apply to nearly everything on...