IU Health helps save lives at Indy’s Black barbershops
News Talk
INDIANAPOLIS – One Indy resident recently discovered his heart health was at risk, while in an unlikely spot – the barbershop.
A community resource was able to help reduce his concerns for future cardiovascular problems.
Every Thursday at 10:30 a.m., Derrick Mack visits the barber for his weekly trim.
On one recent occasion, the owner encouraged him to get a check-up at the IU Health table as he has with a majority of his customers.
The program began at “All in the Wrists” last year.
“Both of my parents suffer from hypertension, so it was a personal thing for me and I was ready, I was on board,” said Marvin Taylor, owner of the shop.
The results were shocking, as Mack had no idea that he was walking around at the risk of the “silent killer”.
“It was 180 over 110, so I was in a heart attack and stroke levels,” said Mack.
The team from IU Health set him up with a doctor’s appointment the next day.
“Now I’m taking some medications for it, also changed my eating habits and workout – I’m just doing things differently,” he said.
Now Derrick is just one customer who’s had a health...