(Special to The Dallas Examiner) – For the seventh year, the recipients of the Juanita Craft Humanitarian Awards were celebrated by the State Fair of Texas and the Friends of Juanita Craft Civil Rights House and Museum.Juanita Craft tirelessly fought for civil rights and played a crucial role in integrating many Dallas establishments, including the State Fair of Texas. In honor of her efforts, achievements and impact, the State Fair and Friends of the Craft House and Museum commend the following individuals who continue her legacy as advocates for positive change in our community. They were recognized Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Briscoe Carpenter Livestock Center in the ballroom during the 2024 State Fair of Texas.Related Stories
The Friends of the Craft House and Museum established and executed the award selection process as part of their civil rights education and awareness initiative. Nominations were evaluated based on impact, active involvement in the community, commitment to social justice through notable efforts, evidence of time and resources used to address issues in the community and the quality of the submission. In partnership with Friends of the Craft House and Museum, the State Fair brought the community together to celebrate the Humanitarian...