King Saha Declares He Will Not Apologize to Jose Chameleone
Global Alertsby Toter 3 months ago 45 Views 0 comments
By BigEyeUg Team
King Saha has made it clear that he has no intention of apologizing to fellow artist Jose Chameleone.
King Saha
The singer stated that his goal was to send a message, and he is satisfied that he succeeded in doing so.
Over the past few weeks, King Saha has expressed anger towards Jose Chameleone, accusing him of harboring jealousy and ill intentions towards other musicians in the industry.
King Saha and Jose Chameleone
Despite Saha’s remarks, Chameleone has remained largely unresponsive, showing little interest in addressing the allegations.
It is important to note that Jose Chameleone has played a significant role in King Saha’s career.
“I’m Powerful and Ready”: King Saha Agrees to Face Chameleone in Music Battle (AUDIO)
As one of Saha’s mentors, Chameleone was instrumental in his rise to fame approximately ten years ago.
Despite their past relationship, King Saha remains firm in his decision not to extend an apology.
We will keep you posted
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