Koryeah Dwanyen Gets Her Ex-Secret Service Agent Boyfriend Fired After Revealing He Took Her To The Obamas’ Hawaii Home
Sports & Entertainment Storiesby Toter 3 months ago 64 Views 0 comments
There is a latest scandal that’s rocking the Secret Service! It turns out that Koryeah Dwanyen, the one who wrote the memoir ‘Undercover Heartbreak: a Memoir of Trust and Trauma’ just got her yet-to-be-named Secret Service agent boyfriend fired after spilling the beans about their intimate encounters in none other than the Obamas’ Hawaii home! That’s bold!
Who would have thought she would take it to this level? Having relations with her Secret Service agent boyfriend, in the Obamas’ own vacation home? It’s scandalous, to say the least.
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The fallout from this revelation has been tremendous. The Secret Service has a reputation to uphold, and they can’t have their agents fooling around in the homes of former presidents, especially such a high-profile one like the Obamas. So, it’s no surprise that Koryeah’s boyfriend was immediately shown the door.
According to the exposé, the agent sent Dwanyen “several photographs” of the former first family’s sprawling beachfront mansion, a week before inviting her over to the property on November 6 2022 while they were away.
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