LandBack: ‘We have together set the Shellmound free!’
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 9 months ago 46 Views 0 comments
Nwamaka Agbo, CEO of Kataly Foundation, which radically redistributed $20 million to make this LandBack happen, speaks to the gathering.
A 5,700-year-old sacred burial ground is finally returned.
by Tiny aka @povertyskola, daughter of Dee, mama of Tiburcio
Patriarchy builds parking lots&
Patriarchy builds shopping malls & everything matriarchy does NOT&
Patriarchy drops bombs on Palestine&
And builds prisons instead of skools on Turtle Island&
Patriarchy kills mamas while they hold their babies
Patriarchy shoots children and when we fight back shoots us and calls us Crazy&
Patriarchy is violent&
But Matriarchy is a sacred, healing mama trident&
Matriarchy weaves palabra and quilts, prayer smoke and warming gifts&
Matriarchy lifts up love into sky spirit – calling down Grandmother Moon and Mama Ocean&
Matriarchy begins with the womb – offering life always even in the face of violent brutal strife
Matriarchy protects water, and ancestors and air&
Matriarchy threads liberation into our hair&
No, colonizers, you can’t define our herstories. We R RIGHT HERE&
We will continue to come with un-ending prayer,&
You can’t stop the mamas, the grandmommas, the babies, the uncles and the fathers&
The liberation mamas and the LandBack suns and daughters&
MamaEarth Is NOT for...