Legal Advertising Bids and Proposals 3-6-2024

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

News / Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs 48 Views 0 comments

ALLEGHENY COUNTY SANITARY AUTHORITY LEGAL NOTICE CONTRACT NO. 1794 SEWER IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT 2024 Sealed Bids for CONTRACT NO. 1794–SEWER IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT 2024 shall be received at the Engineering Department office of the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority, 3300 Preble Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15233, until 11:00 A.M., Prevailing Time, Wednesday, April 3, 2024, and then shall be Publicly Opened and read via Microsoft Virtual Teams Meeting. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held via Microsoft Virtual Teams Meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 10:00 A.M., Prevailing Time. An Invitation will be required to access this meeting. If interested in obtaining a Invitation to the Pre-Bid Meeting, contact Kathleen P. Uniatowski via email at . ALCOSAN encourages businesses owned and operated by minorities and women to submit bids on Authority Contracts or to participate as subcontractors or suppliers to successful Bidders. Successful Bidders are to use minority and women’s businesses to the fullest extent possible. Contract Documents may be examined and obtained at the Engineering office of the Authority. A non-refundable fee of One hundred dollars ($100) (no cash or credit cards will be accepted) will be charged for each set of Contract Documents received. Bid Security shall be furnished by...