Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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By: Henry Lerma Jesus did not come to see social change. He did not come to alter the tax code. He did not come to address economic issues. They were not a concern for him. Was he aware of them? Absolutely. He had perfect knowledge of absolutely everything. There was no abuse, no inequity that he was not fully aware of. He knew that there was a great need for social reform. He knew that there was a great need for tax reform. He knew that there was a great need for care of the poor and the sick who were believed, even by the Jews, to be under the punishment of God and who were treated with indifference and abused. He knew that widows were mistreated, orphans were mistreated. And yet he never came to bring about a social revolution, his appeal was always to the hearts of men, it was always to the souls of men, not their political freedoms. It was not social justice that he sought. He didn’t participate in civil rights. He wasn’t involved in a crusade to abolish slavery. He preached the gospel, and he knew that all that is just and all that...