Letters to the Editor: Why can’t we fix both?

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To The Editor:   I am a relatively new resident of Winston. My children and I moved into our home in the Northeast ward in November of 2022. One of the first things I noticed was that half of the housing projects at Cleveland Avenue were boarded up.   I am a bit like a rabid fox. I’m just not going to let go of a question until I get an answer. So, I kept asking why these homes were unavailable. Finally, I was informed that they were slated to be redone and made into tiered rent, affordable housing.  Now, I have been a resident of public housing. I know that public housing, by design, is tiered rent. You pay what the government determines you can afford. Therefore, this initiative sounded like a fraud to me.   Meanwhile, a sign went up across the street from those homes that announced new houses in the $220’s were coming. “Who is gonna pay that over here?” I wondered.   That question was answered in a poorly advertised community meeting with Council Member Burke. She informed us that the city would give the buyers $45k and the county would give them $85k so they would only need...