‘Listen to Your Body’: Dr. Mitzi Williams on Why MS Gets Overlooked in Blacks

Parenting/ Health

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Photo credit: Joi Life Wellness Group Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, potentially causing various symptoms including vision problems, numbness, and weakness. However, recent insights from a Genentech survey reveal that MS can present more aggressively in Black and Hispanic communities, with unique challenges for diagnosis and treatment access.  BlackDoctor.org spoke with neurologist and MS specialist Dr. Mitzi Williams to discuss why MS gets overlooked in the Black community and what can be done to improve MS outcomes. How MS Presents in Black and Hispanic Communities While MS symptoms are generally consistent across populations—affecting vision, sensation, and mobility—severity and presentation can vary in Black and Hispanic communities. For instance: Optic Neuritis: This vision-affecting symptom tends to be more pronounced in Hispanic patients, potentially impacting daily life earlier in the disease. Transverse Myelitis: Often observed in Black patients, this spinal cord inflammation can cause numbness or weakness. Among Black patients, symptoms often appear more intensely and require urgent care. Multifocal Symptoms: Black patients may experience multiple symptoms at MS onset, which increases the risk of delayed diagnosis and treatment. “Most people with MS start with one symptom that sends them to the doctor, but...