Living With Cystic Fibrosis: 5 Everyday Habits That Can Change It ALL

Parenting/ Health

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A progressive genetic disease primarily affecting the lungs and digestive system, cystic fibrosis (CF) is a condition that has impacted millions across the world. It’s also a condition known for producing large amounts of thick, sticky mucus, which can become serious problems for airways and breathing in general.  If left unaddressed, this problematic mucus may cause chronic respiratory infections, worsening one’s ability to absorb nutrients and live a normal life.  Although CF is currently without a cure, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be treated over time with numerous medications and lifestyle adjustments.  Whether you are dealing with severe consequences of the disease or simply want to get ahead of it before symptoms get worse, there are five things you can do every day to help.  Let’s cover them… RELATED: 3 Times Cystic Fibrosis Gets Misdiagnosed in Black Women 1. Airway Clearance Therapy As the name suggests, airway clearance therapy is about removing obstructions from your airways. It is actually more than one therapy and includes multiple treatments that when used together can help prevent mucus buildup and long-term issues.  There are several techniques involved in airway clearance therapy, including:  Chest Physiotherapy (CPT): A procedure whereby a healthcare professional gently...