Meet Diane Clair, candidate for Georgia’s 60th House District

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Day 29 of the 2024 Georgia Legislative Session brings about Qualifying Week. It’s a five day period in which individuals seeking to run for statewide office will file paperwork inside the Georgia State Capitol and pay the associated fees to officially appear on a ballot.& Monday, Diane Clair, an Atlanta attorney, made her intentions clear she would run for Georgia’s 60th House District, a seat currently occupied by Sheila Jones. Clair, a graduate of Florida A&M’s College of Law, says she would have no issues working with Republicans across the aisle, if necessary.& “I’ve been doing that for almost 10 years now,” says Clair. “A lot of my opposing attorneys are conservative, and I’ve had to somehow bridge the gap to settle cases. I think I can do the same thing here in the House of Representatives when it comes to legislation and just finding that common ground to get people on the same page if we can to make the right decisions for Georgia.” Clair says she’s been canvassing before filing paperwork on Monday. She says her platforms are housing affordability and availability plus decreasing crime. Additionally, Clair says Georgia’s education system is a point of emphasis in philosophy....