Mon Repos Kicks Off Kweyol Heritage Month
Caribbean and World Newsby Toter 4 months ago 59 Views 0 comments
On Sunday October 28 1984, the community of Mon Repos hosted the inaugural Jounen Kweyol activity in Saint Lucia.
Forty years later and the weekend observance of Saint Lucia’s Kweyol Heritage, is now celebrated for an entire month, Kweyol Heritage Month.
Mon Repos is back in the mix again as one of three communities hosting activities throughout the month of October. Their committee has informed St. Lucia Times that a packed calendar will unfold throughout the month.
On Monday October 7 the first activity, “Festen Peche” (Fishermen’s Feast) took place at the Praslin Bay.
According to the chairperson of the committee, Wynnykyj King, it was decided that while the main activities would be in Mon Repos, that they would also bring all the communities together from the Micoud North constituency, including Praslin.
“And so today in Praslin we are having this fish festival and some of the activities will include kayaking, we are doing the original food preparation and cooking, fishing competition and greasy pole,” King told St. Lucia Times.
Scores of residents turned out on the day to take in the activities and to savour some of the local dishes that were prepared. Some of the dishes were prepared...