One Secret to Working Mom Success: Create Your Own Tribe
Parenting/ Healthby Toter 1 year ago 9 Views 0 comments
Some members of my tribe... #WomensHistoryMonth& (I love finding drafts of articles I never posted. In an effort to do better at sharing this amazing content, here you go!)
Being a working mom is fraught with challenges and compromises. However, sometimes it does create opportunities for me that are pretty cool. One of those is the opportunity to participate in the local United Way Women's Leadership Council.
The women who form the United Way Women's Leadership Council are united by our commitment to philanthropic giving, our commitment to service and our commitment to other women. Once a year they convene us all at a breakfast and bring in a national speaker. The speaker is a woman who has a compelling story to share. A few years ago, it was Lee Woodruff,& an author, a wife, and inspiring woman. Another year it was Becky Aikman who told a tale of devastation and triumph that really touched me.
& & Some member of my tribe
Lesson Learned: If You Don't Fit In, Create Your Own Tribe&
Becky Aikman was& a working woman who found herself in an impossible situation. After being married for 20 years, her husband died. and she became...