One Secret to Working Mom Success: Stay on The Right Track (My Lesson from 2023)

Parenting/ Health

by Toter 7 Views 0 comments

& Out of the night that covers me,Black as the Pit from pole to pole,I thank whatever gods may beFor my unconquerable soul.& -William Earnest Henley (Invictus excerpt)So, we are three weeks into the year. I have plans to create a post that includes my best success tips for last year and I will. However, in the interest of candor and maintaining our relationship, I have to share something. 2023 was really complicated.Spoiler Alert: I was reminded that I am resilient!& & & 1.& & & How 2023 was hard.The accidentIn many ways, it was hard. I lost a dear friend unexpectedly who was an amazing mom, wife and friend. Her death was a reminder that life is not always fair. I was involved in a potentially tragic accident with my kids, I endured some difficulties at work because of transitioning and my biological father died right before Christmas. So, while I was trying to create Christmas magic for my kids, I found myself embroiled in planning a funeral, family conflicts, and participating in said funeral. And because the funeral was in Buffalo, New York in the winter, I also had to endure the weather. And in addition to those...