Paul’s Encouragement to Timothy in Facing a Difficult Problem I Timothy 1:1-20

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In this chapter Paul reminds Timothy of his awesome task as a minister of God and reminds him that God will see him through to victory.  God had given Timothy a special stewardship, and He expected Timothy to be faithful.  Timothy must remain committed to the presentation of God’s word in the face of the prevalence of false teachers. I Timothy 1:1-20 may be outlined as follows:  I. Paul’s Advice Against False Doctrines – I Timothy 1:1-11; II.  Paul’s Acknowledging Testimony of God’s Grace – I Timothy 1:12-17; III.  Paul’s Assertive Charge to Timothy – I Timothy 1:18-20. Paul’s Advice Against False Doctrines – I Timothy 1:1-11 In his opening greeting in verses 1-2, Paul identifies himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ; thus, his apostleship came to him by a heavenly command.  Paul referred to Jesus Christ as our hope (v. 1).  In verse 2, Paul referred to Timothy as the recipient of this epistle.  Timothy was issued Paul’s fairly standard greeting of grace, mercy and peace. Paul admonished Timothy to remain in Ephesus to suppress certain men in the congregation who were teaching false doctrine.  The doctrine the false teachers were teaching was different from Paul’s doctrine (v....