Preparation For Leadership I Timothy 4:1-16

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In this magnificent study of the book of I Timothy, we must remember that Paul is writing to Timothy as he ministers to the church in Ephesus.  I Timothy 4:1-16 may be outlined as follows: I. Exhibiting Leadership by Warning Against Apostasy – I Timothy 4:1-5; II. Exhibiting Leadership by Teaching the Word of God in View of False Teachings – I Timothy 4:6-11; III. Exhibiting Leadership by Remaining Steadfast In and Heeding the Truth I Timothy 4:12-16 Exhibiting Leadership by Warning Against Apostasy – I Timothy 4:1-5 In verse 1, as Christ’s return approaches, there will be a great apostasy, for some people will abandon the faith to follow after false teaching of deceiving spirits and demons.  The teachings of demons are false doctrines taught by deceivers whose views are spurred by demons.  Satan’s system of error is propagated through hypocritical liars – “men who speak lies in hypocrisy.”  Satan selects these representatives, having consciences seared as with a hot iron (v. 2). The false teachers of Ephesus were advocates of Gnosticism.  The Gnostics advanced that the spirit is good, but matter was evil.  They believed that appetites and desires relating to the body should be rooted out.  These...