Preserving dignity and independence: How Home Repairs for Good supports homeownership for older adults and individuals with disabilities

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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As we reflect on the past Independence Day, we are reminded of the importance of maintaining independence, regardless of age. Home Repairs for Good, formerly known as NeighborLink Indianapolis, witnesses the pride, security and independence a home offers its residents. Our organization, operating for a decade, provides home repairs at no cost to low-income older adults and persons with disabilities who own their home in Marion County. We are not just witnesses to the pride of half a century of homeownership, but also to the unique challenges it poses for older adults and those with disabilities, especially in maintaining their older homes. As we celebrate our nation’s independence and adopt a new name, we can’t help but feel the pressure to shine the spotlight on the homeowners who are looking ahead, not at the memories they plan on making but on those homeowners whose faces have already been etched by the memories made. Home Repairs for Good is an aging-in-place partner. We’ve even been called a “Godsend” a time or two. By providing needed repairs and continued service for homeowners, we are supporting older adults and individuals with disabilities in our community in their desire to stay in and keep...