Reparations again?

News Talk

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Somewhere around 1978 I was learning the science of landscape maintenance horticulture and working as a gardener where I lived on the Monterey Peninsula. A colleague I became friends with told me about an organization of professional gardeners the Japanese Americans Citizens League had, and that they had monthly meetings he attended and thought I would be welcomed as well. These men were so gracious to me, one of the first of two women to walk into the meeting and ask to sit in. They had just opened their group to Caucasians, and now here come two women! Over the years, meeting with them taught me a great deal, not the least of which were tips on how to run my business and, of course, caring for gardens. They also opened up to all of us non-Japanese folks about why they had become gardeners. There was a general panic at the start of World War II and a fear that the Japanese had planted spies in America. The government took the drastic action of rounding up over 10,000 Japanese Americans and herding them into internment camps for the duration of the war. Conditions were horrible, leading to much suffering and...