Rev. Dr. Holley Gives Thanks for Measures that Saved a West African Woman’s Life in Detroit
News Talk
In July of this year, Mercy Yango, a woman from Monrovia, Liberia, in West Africa, made the 5,020-mile journey from the Motherland to Detroit for what has been called a lifesaving heart surgery at Henry Ford Health.& Before arriving in the Motor City, doctors in Liberia had exhausted every option possible to provide the critical medical help Yango needed. & & Time and options to save Yango’s life were fading fast.
Nevertheless, a ministry team in Liberia contacted Rev. Dr. Jim Holley, founder of an international ministry bearing his name based in Detroit, asking for his help.& Holley vowed to render assistance, but didn’t know if he could do enough in time.
However, after Holley contacted Dr. Wassim Younes, a friend living in Dearborn, Michigan, the wheels of progress started turning when Younes met with Dr. Usamah Mossallam, vice president and medical director of Henry Ford Health International Initiatives in Detroit.& After a series of meetings that included Holley, an incredible medical team of specialists was formed, ready to move forward to save the life of Yango, who by now was in Detroit, housed at Hotel Saint Regis near Henry Ford Hospital, courtesy of caring individuals.
The wheel of progress...