Senate To Meet On Tuesday
Caribbean and World Newsby Toter 2 months ago 19 Views 0 comments
A Sitting of the Senate is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 with Papers to be laid by the Honourable Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture and Information and Leader of Government Business.
The Motions for consideration are as follows:
1. BE IT RESOLVED that Parliament by affirmative resolution approves the Draft Value Added Tax (Amendment of Schedule 3) (No.4) Order which amends Schedule 3 of the Act to include as an exempt import or local supply, the import or local supply of goods and services by the Saint Lucia National Trust.
2. BE IT RESOLVED that Parliament by affirmative resolution approves the draft Value Added Tax (Amendment of Schedule 1) Order to amend Schedule 1 of the Act to include as zero-rated goods, a supply of goods under the following Customs Tariff Headings –
3917.40 Fittings
3925.1010 Plastic Water Tanks
8413.81 Water Pumps
8481.10 Pressure-reducing valves
8481.30 Check (nonreturn) vales
8481.40 Safety or relief valves
8481.80 Other appliances
8481.90 Parts
3. BE IT RESOLVED that Parliament by affirmative resolution approves the Draft Value Added Tax (Amendment of Schedule 3) (No.5) Order which amends Schedule 3 of the Act to –
(a) Exempt imports of...