Shining the spotlight on Childcare Providers Putting the Care in Daycare

Parenting/ Health

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  As the new school year approaches, the vital role of daycare centers and after-school programs becomes even more pronounced. In our community, these spaces are more than just childcare centers; they are an extension of home, safe spaces where our children are loved, protected, and taught the values that guide our lives. For the Black women and men running these daycares, every day is about more than just supervision—it’s about lifting up the next generation. These caregivers, who are often the unsung heroes of our communities, understand the importance of creating environments that reflect our culture, our values, and our dreams for our children. And in these spaces, having the right resources at hand is crucial. That’s where Walmart Business comes in, offering affordable prices and a wide selection to help keep our daycare centers stocked and ready to serve our kids. Shining the Spotlight on Our Daycare Heroes These inspiring women run their daycare centers with passion, care, and a commitment to excellence. Here’s a closer look at how they manage their day-to-day responsibilities. Tonya Muhammad: The Organized Caregiver & Tonya Muhammad is more than just a daycare provider—she’s a pillar in her community, offering a home away from...